It's amazing how women are never satisfied with their hair, smooth, curly curl wants to do everything, to submit different, expensive and exhausting treatments to make them smooth. Out other complaints, very oily roots, split ends, brittle strands, cut with much volume, trim, excess frizz, and so follows an endless list of features that would change if they could run. Today, however, it is rare that can come in handy, especially in the field of hair, and often the problem is in the maintenance, daily care, which usually in a very everyday run, end up trampling or setting aside some or all of the recommendations of the hairdresser and then, of course, reiro suffer from the effects of this sloppiness. That's why we decided to show here a list with twelve things you should not do with their hair.

Use hot water is among the things you should not do with their hair, because hot water can cause irritation on the scalp, stimulating the production of sebum and favoring the oil, by inhibiting the growth of the wires.

Hold the wet hair
Don't fall into the mistake of thinking that will tame the volume of wires giving a good knot around them, keep the scalp wet for a long time is very dangerous because it can create fungus and dandruff as well as weaken the root and cause the fall. The tip, in this case, is to use a leave-in and avoid the wind while the hair dries, that alone will cause the hair doesn't get too armed.

Leave in Hair Conditioner
Never fall into the temptation to leave some conditioner in your hair, thinking that the hair will be silky, very common attitude that you should not do with their hair, especially if you have the wires dry, don't think I let the cream in your hair is best way to get r hair hydrated, because if you don't rinse the yarn, leaving a remainder of the product, will damage the hair structure and prevent the scales are sealed, and the result appears in the form of elastic strands and brittle

The trick is, when you finish washing the hair, make sure that the water flows leave and that the hair is not with the product remains. Another tip is to look for a change every once in a while the shampoo and conditioner, in addition to investing in a deep cleansing shampoo once a week or every 15 days, to remove excess chemicals, products, dirt and oil, and so the leather can breathe better.

Root conditioner
Use the conditioner in root is one of the things you should not do with their hair, because the conditioner collaborates with the increased oiliness and, as the cover pores capillaries, increases the incidence of dandruff because there are hairs that have oily roots, and still increases conditioner the production of sebum and dandruff can appear in advanced cases, since the conditioner will make the scalp keep excess moisture, capping the capillary pores.

Exaggerate in the chemical
One important thing that you should not do with their hair is overdoing it on chemistry. Many women undergo two more chemical at a time, in fact, you have to choose the treatments that you want to apply. Staining, relaxation, progressive, lights all along the hair, leaving it porous and too weak, splitting all the tips. Choose two treatments at the most, and make monthly minimum hydration.

Leave the hydration of hand
As it is increasingly common to use of chemicals (dyes, Relaxers, relaxation and etc.), the wires tend to be damaged, you can't have healthy hair without investing in hydration, she has the ability to give lightness and nourish the hair, retrieving the softness , the brightness and the healthy aspect of them. Hydration is to reverse all the evils of the chemical, even oily wires need to be hydrated. Leave the hydration of hand is a thing you should not do with their hair.

Do not cut or trim the tips
Unless your hair is too long to grow, three months is the average duration of a court, passed that phase, the tips begin to open and the wires break down easily, with it, the first increase the volume and weak start to fall. So, stay more than three months without a cut is one of the things you should not do with their hair.

Too soft brushes
The brushes too malleable, in addition to break the wires, they are handling more difficult, the tip is to untangle the strands with a wide tooth comb and brush type firm or a paddle, more resistant.

Flat iron in wet wires
Hair dryer the wrong way
It is wise to use the dryer at 30 cm away from the head and always with the intermediate temperature or cold, never to the fullest, not to burn and damage the threads, in addition, one of the things you should not do with their hair is direct the hot Jet

Hair dryer the wrong way
It is wise to use the dryer at 30 cm away from the head and always with the intermediate temperature or cold, never to the fullest, not to burn and damage the threads, in addition, one of the things you should not do with their hair is direct the hot Jet dryer for your head,  because it stimulates the oiliness in the root and decreases the length of your brush.

Hydrating mask in the Sun
Time to go to the beach or pool, one of the things you should not do with their hair is to use a hydrating mask, by more powerful it is, the ideal is to pass a cream without rinsing with sunscreen. Moisturizing masks, and does not form a skin against ultraviolet rays, have a time of permanence and exceed it weakens the hair.

Don't invest in leave-in
Who have curly hair cannot dispense with a good shampoo, conditioner and leave-in creams (creams without rinsing), it's impossible to get beautiful curls without them, because the curves of the hamper the natural oils present in the root reaches the tips – so, they end up getting dry, hence the importance of hydration, and there's no point in using a conditioner like a leave-in, rinse is required in the case of the conditioner to the cuticle (outer layer) of the wires are closed, otherwise the hair weakens, breaking more easily and increasing the creepy effect.


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