Learn about the benefits of castor oil, excellent fortifier of hair
Also known as castor oil, castor oil help in combating the fall and hair growth while strengthening the wires
Mamoeira seed is extracted from the Castor oil or castor oil, main product derived from mamoeira, which corresponds to approximately 50% of the total seed. Castor oil is not toxic like the seeds, because ricin is not soluble in oil, being separated during the extraction process. How has properties that fight fungi and bacteria that prevent the growth of hair, castor oil is often used for hair growth.
The mamoeira (Ricinus communis l.) is a plant that grows in several regions of Brazil, with the main productions are located in Bahia and CearĂ¡. No one knows for sure the origin of this plant (some sources say is Asian, others claim to be africana). Are cited reports that she was used for thousands of years in Egypt and India. Is a plant in the form of a shrub, which has a branched part in green, reddish colouration may vary depending on the region. Can reach from one up to six meters high, according to the companies.
The result given by mamoeira is called Castor or Castor. Is a capsule that can have different sizes, with thorns on the outside, and that has, in your interior, oval and smooth seeds.
The greatest risk of this fruit is the ingestion of the seeds. They are poisonous due to the presence of toxic protein ricin, known for being inativadora of Ribosomes-it penetrates the cell and hangs. Even in small doses, can lead to death. The intake of three seeds can kill a child and eight seeds, an adult. Another active component in mamoeira is the ricinine, different from ricin. Is present in every part of the plant, the flowers and leaves, and nervous system effects when ingested. Castor oil is used as a laxative, your intake is difficult digestion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
The extraction can be performed by pressing the hot or cold, or solvent. First, the seeds undergo a cleaning and are cooked, on pressing, they are pressed and degomadas, thus obtaining an oil. The pie left over from pressing follows for solvent extraction, where used hexane or ethanol.
Castor oil for medicinal purposes is extracted by cold pressing, because it is more clear, colorless, ricin-free and free from acidity and impurities. Already the Castor oil for industrial uses the hot-pressing the seeds, thus obtaining a clear, bright, but being able to have at most 1% 0.5% acidity and impurities.
Castor oil is composed of 95% of ricinoleic acid, which gives your applications and several benefits, the remainder is given by linoleic, oleic, Palmitic and stearic acids. Due to the ricinoleic acid, castor oil has wide employment in the chemical industry and is also responsible for the high viscosity and solubility in alcohol. Can be used as feedstock for biodiesel.
Castor oil applications
Industrially, castor oil is used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, plastics, glues, as raw material for nylon and lubricants as it is stable at low as at high temperatures, and can be used in compressors, transformers, and also in the formulation biodegradable lubricants.
As a medicinal product, by presenting, your usage more drenching property known is as a laxative. Ricinoleic acid contained is converted into prostaglandins when absorbed, avoiding symptoms caused by lack of this substance, as menstrual disorders and serious diseases (multiple sclerosis, for example). However, castor oil consumption must not give in. Before any action, consult a doctor to know exactly the best way to consume it as medicine. Castor oil should not be used in the kitchen for food.
Ricinoleic acid features antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, thus, with castor oil packs are used to reduce inflammation and improve intestinal assimilation.
In cosmetics, also is widely used due to the high viscosity. Can be applied on hair, skin, eyelashes-is also used to make SOAP.
Castor oil also helps to soften the skin dry and irritated. It is quickly absorbed, stimulating the production of collagen, which reduces wrinkles and stretch marks. It has emollient properties and humectants that assist in hydration, elasticity and softness of the skin. As massage oil, is great for the body and relaxation for cure inflammations such as arthritis, providing a sense of well-being. However, due to the high viscosity of castor oil, should be mixed with other vegetable oils lighter, like grape seed oil or sweet almond, to facilitate the sliding of the massage.
One of the best applications of castor oil is for hair. It helps strengthen the scalp and the hair growth. As features antibacterial and antifungal properties, due to the high composition of ricinoleic acid, castor oil fight infections and the growth of bacteria and fungi that could prevent hair growth.
Therefore, if you are having problems and flaws in the hair, castor oil is a great ally. He alleviates the fall, accelerates growth and makes the hair grow stronger and thicker. It is also possible to apply it in places where there are injuries, like scars or burns on the scalp (where the hair grows), castor oil can help growth. If the case is genetic, like baldness, the oil will not cure the problem, only will slow down.
Rub castor oil on your hands, rub the leather for five minutes and let stand in the hair for a few more minutes. Leather massage activates circulation and helps to stimulate growth because of the presence of linoleic acid (Omega 6), which strengthen and nourish the wires. Can applying it two to three times a week, using continuously for an extended period of time because the results appear after a few months of treatment. It is worth mentioning that the use of this oil should be 100% pure, free from any chemicals that can be harmful to health (such as parabens), so make sure it's pure castor oil before using it. You can find pure castor oil and other in-store eCycle.
Castor oil can also be used to dry hair, split ends and diseases in leather, like dandruff and itching. It provides hydration, leaves hair silky and shiny. The oil presents a strong odor, which may annoy some people, therefore, avoid your inhalation and use it sparingly.
And it's not just the growth of hairs that castor oil can be used. It can also be applied on the eyelashes, eyebrows and beards, assisting your growth. There are no scientific studies that prove this fact, however, there are reports that the use of castor oil can be effective in these cases.
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