What is Lactic Acid and benefits for hair

What is Lactic Acid and benefits for hair
Now with this fashion of shampoo, smoothing or straightening without formaldehyde, what more if you see are the basis of acids compositions.
Some really are derived from formaldehyde as the glioxĂ­lico acid which when heated turns to formaldehyde, but the most commonly used acid lately both in those products that "smooth", but also in many treatment masks is lactic acid.
And a lot of people confuse the lactic acid with formaldehyde derivatives. You must know that they have nothing in common. Lactic acid is neither distant cousin of formaldehyde.

What Lactic Acid?
Lactic acid is an organic compound with the formula CH 3 CH (OH) CO 2:00 is solid or liquid, soluble in water which is produced naturally or synthetically. Got color, smooth taste and slightly saline.
Of course the production occurs through fermentation of lactose by the bacteria Streptococcus lactis. Already, industrially, is manufactured by the controlled fermentation of hexoses milk, corn and molasses.
Or made in a laboratory through chemical reaction of ethanol with sulfuric acid solution and sodium cyanide.
It was discovered by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele in the 18th century through research with the buttermilk.

Nowadays it is widely used in cosmetics. For both hair and skin. You will find in many foods too, but in that case is done by natural fermentation.
On the skin it in addition to clear, can restore elasticity of fibres. So it is very used in treatments for acne, warts, calluses, wrinkles and peels to atrophies.
But let's get down to business.

What is Lactic Acid and benefits for hair
When heated this acid fills open spaces at the cuticle, common thing on hair damaged by chemicals. It increases the mass of wire and with it can restructure that fiber. Changing the Ionic charge of your molecules leaving more resistant, and giving new shape and brightness.
You will find this acid in shampoos, masks and conditioners. And your action on the wire depends on how it was formulated that product, and the amount used in acid.

In the hair dry and brittle, the lactic acid relaxes and smoothes the wiring temporarily, making them more malleable due to your high hydration and your ability to absorb water. Also regulates the pH which makes the thread more aligned.
In higher concentrations, the lactic acid takes part of the protective coating of hair keratin. This improves the ability of the hair to absorb other restorative ingredients. That is, prepares to receive other treatments.
Alone it is compatible with other chemicals, but when the goal is smooth, stay tuned on the composition of the product, because he never comes alone. That's why I always look the composition because, may have some formaldehyde disguised ready to detonate your hair.

Now all you know right? What is Lactic Acid and benefits for hair.


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