What is Lactic Acid and benefits for hair Now with this fashion of shampoo, smoothing or straightening without formaldehyde, what more if you see are the basis of acids compositions. Some really are derived from formaldehyde as the glioxílico acid which when heated turns to formaldehyde, but the most commonly used acid lately both in those products that "smooth", but also in many treatment masks is lactic acid. And a lot of people confuse the lactic acid with formaldehyde derivatives. You must know that they have nothing in common. Lactic acid is neither distant cousin of formaldehyde. What Lactic Acid? Lactic acid is an organic compound with the formula CH 3 CH (OH) CO 2:00 is solid or liquid, soluble in water which is produced naturally or synthetically. Got color, smooth taste and slightly saline. Of course the production occurs through fermentation of lactose by the bacteria Streptococcus lactis. Already, industrially, is manufactured by the controlled ferment...
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