WET TEST - Allows you to check the resistance and elasticity of the hair. It is critical to prevent breakage during straightening or relaxation. A thin section should be separated in the region of the neck and in an area more exposed to aggression, such as above the ear. Apply the product according to the manufacturer's instructions. After removing it, the wick should be tensioned. If she leaves, you should not do the chemistry.


The hairs are part of the feminine and masculine beauty and so they must be well cared for. Some yarns are more fragile and therefore require special care during chemical beauty processes. The touch proof and wick test are indispensable for the application of chemicals, such as discolorations and straighteners.

The touch proof and wick test are names given to procedures done prior to the application of chemicals to the hair. They are used to assess whether anyone who will receive the product has any type of allergy or sensitivity, and assess whether the yarns are resistant to the procedure that will be performed throughout the hair. The initial idea is to minimize the risk of problems, such as allergic processes and hair loss.


The touch test is a procedure that must be done and repeated with each application of a cosmetic product:
read these guidelines carefully and always make the touch test.

Wash a small area on the forearm;
Pass a small amount of the product in the forearm;
Let it acts for 30 minutes;
Wash the application site with plenty of water;
Wait for 24h;
Check the application site, and if there is skin irritation, itching, burning in the local or nearby regions, do not use the product.


It is mandatory regardless of the type of hair. Through the Mecha Test, you will check the optimal action time of the product indicated for your hair type and if your wires are in the ideal conditions for the transformation. One hair is different from the other and reacts according to your current conditions, so always make the Mecha Test, even if you already know or use the product.

Separate and isolate a lock of hair from the side of the head, being the most sensitive region of the wires exposed directly to physical and chemical aggressions;
Put on gloves and start applying the product in the Mecha-Teste to 1 (one) centimeter of the scalp;
Spread evenly with a comb or brush;
Start counting the time from the end of the application.
Check the Test Mecha every 5 minutes, giving the malleability and degree of relaxation to the ideal transformation and/or if there were any unwanted changes. Do not exceed 60 minutes;
After the application time, rinse thoroughly with running water, removing all the product from the hair;
Write down the time it took to reach the ideal transformation.
In the cases of progressive and definitive brushes, it is necessary to do all the steps of brushing and plank of the threads;

Brush and dry the test wick with a brush and dryer.
After brushing, wipe the wick to the wick, from 5 (five) to 7 (seven) times to occur the new shape of the transformed hair.
In general, the thickness of the head is classified as "fine", "medium" or "thick" and the time of action can be estimated from this, but always check with the result of the Mecha Test.

Once the procedure has been performed, it is necessary to analyze the results:

Verify that the wires are integral and that there is no drop or any unwanted change in the wick;
Throughout the procedure, it is necessary to observe if no change is occurring in the wick;
To finish the procedure it is necessary to wait for 2 to 3 days. In this way, it is possible to observe the wick during this time.


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