Hair Detox: The Benefits of Super Hair Removal

After the juices and the diets, it is the turn of the treatment for the hair. Understand the importance of cleansing the scalp.

Loss of yarn glow, fall, dryness, itching and scaling of the scalp. These symptoms may be a sign of intoxication - capillary. This happens when the follicle, where the root of the thread is found, is clogged with product residues - like shampoo and finisher - pollution, pool chlorine, and even copper and calcium present in the shower water. "The scalp is like the soil of the hair follicle, irrigating it and providing the nutrients needed for the wicks to grow healthy," explains French biochemist Bruno Bernard, L'Oréal researcher for the Research & Innovation Department. "Therefore, if it is not properly cleaned, treating only the hair will not bring an effective result", completes the hairdresser Rafael Dios, of the Spa hall Dios, in São Paulo.

Cleaning operation
The detox treatments performed in the salons promise a deep cleaning of the scalp, activating the local blood circulation and providing a better distribution of the nutrients. The immediate effect is noticeably cleaner wires, stiff from the root and even with more volume. In the long run, they get stronger and stronger, as the procedure encourages the healthy growth of new strands. But it is necessary to repeat the treatment monthly or, in more serious cases, like the one of fall and rarefaction, every 15 days. You may obtain similar results at home by applying specific products for this purpose. Some brands offer only the detox shampoo (the most important item); others also have hair tonic. Not mandatory, but if you can use the full line, the better. The yarn looks well cared for and lighter since the first application, but to maintain the health of the scalp, potentializing the effect of hydration and nutrition treatments, it is best to repeat the process once a week, interspersing with your usual shampoo.

Put it into practice
First of all, it is good to know that the detox version is different from the deep cleaning shampoo (older). "It is an evolution of this product, since it not only makes a super-hygiene in the scalp as it nourishes and moisturizes, avoiding that purification rests the threads," explains cosmetologist Ana Carolina Ribeiro, a professor at the School of Health Sciences of Anhembi University Morumbi, in São Paulo. In addition, the detox usually contains exfoliating and refreshing actives, such as mint and melaleuca. "The right thing is to go through the scalp and scrub well," says Pharmacist Marcela Buchaim, from the Hair Spa at Studio Tez in São Paulo. The tonic, whose order of use depends on the manufacturer, has the function of enhancing the revitalization of leather. Apply with a vigorous massage to activate the local circulation.


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